The fossil showed that it began its expansion of territory millions of years ago. 化石显示它从几百万年前就开始了它的领土扩张了。
With the growing expansion of Northwest Territory and the enhancement of garrisoning troops, the two systems finally united as one. 随着西北边疆的逐步扩展及屯田军事性质的不断加强,屯田与守御最终在西域地区合而为一。
One result of the continued expansion of United States territory was the Mexican-American war. 美利坚合众国毫无休止的版图扩张最终导致了墨西哥-美国之战。
It has met every stress of vast expansion of territory of foreign wars, of bitter internal strife, of world relations. 它已应付过巨大的国土扩张、外战、内乱及国际关系所带来的压力。
This expansion of territory-across eight massive, two-and three-floored halls-was despite a slight drop in the number of exhibitors, from 7,448 in 2007 to 7,373. 虽然面积扩大了&包括8个二三个层楼的巨大展厅,但参展商数量略有下降,从2007年的7448家减至7373家。
The new emperor was quite interested in the expansion of territory. 新皇帝对领土的扩张非常感兴趣。
Especially after the end of Cold War, there have arisen a series of events, such as the eastward expansion of NATO, the war to anti-terrorism in Afghanistan and "Color Revolution", resulting in the worsening course of her safe space around her territory. 特别是在冷战结束后,在俄罗斯的地缘周边先后发生了北约东扩、阿富汗反恐战争、颜色革命等一系列事件,导致俄罗斯地缘安全空间急剧恶化,世界地缘政治版图全面改写。
Adams inherited the expansion guidelines of the Founding Fathers, presided negotiations with Spain, and signed "Transcontinental Treaty" with Spanish government, thus expanding America territory southward to the whole Florida Peninsula and westward to the coast of Pacific. 亚当斯继承了国父一代的扩张思想,通过主持美西谈判、与西班牙政府签署《横贯大陆条约》,使美国领土向南延伸到整个佛罗里达半岛,向西推移到太平洋沿岸。
The west movement in the contemporary American history is known as a process of a large-scaled colonial expansion, further opening-up of the western territory, urbanization, industrialization and national merging in the States. 美国西进运动是美国国内的一次大规模移民拓殖运动,是美国人对西部的开发过程,也是美国城市化、工业化和美利坚民族大融合的过程。
With the territorial expansion of Tufan Regime to nowadays 'Sichuan and Yunnan regions, Moxie Tribe came in contact with it first because of the contiguous territory, but had no capacity to have continuous big wars with it. 吐蕃势力扩张至今川滇地区后,磨些部落在西南各部落中与之先有接触,地域相连,但无力与之大规模持续战争。
In view of the increasing burden which was loaded to land, space and environment by rapid growth of economy and continuous expansion of population, human being has shifted their eyeshot from social and economic development to sea areas with rich resources and vast geographical territory. 随着社会经济高速增长,人口不断膨胀,陆域资源、空间以及生态环境所承受的压力与日俱增。人类社会经济活动逐渐向资源丰富、地域广袤的海洋世界延伸。
Emperor Wudi of Han Dynasty, by virtue of the early decades of development and the strong power to recuperate and build up strength, such as when the mass ethnic frontier, and a large number of open the border counties unprecedented expansion of the Han Dynasty territory. 第三章是国力鼎盛&臣服思想的产生,汉武帝凭借汉初几十年休养生息发展而来的雄厚国力,大规模征伐匈奴等边疆民族,并且大量开置边郡空前扩大了汉朝的版图。
Till the Jackson era, with the expansion of territory, a series of reforms in politics such as universal suffrage, the establishment of modern party system in America, masses began to show overwhelming influence on and become the main stream of American politics. 至杰克逊时期,随着疆域的扩展,一系列政治变革如普选取、现代政党制度等的出现和发展,大众在美国政坛开始登堂入室,继而发挥重要的作用,直至取代传统政治精英,成为政坛主流。
Territorial expansion established the modern territory of Chile. The exploitation of natural resources in the new territory gave a direct impulse to early modernization of Chile. 领土扩张奠定了智利现代疆域,新增领上的资源开发成为启动智利早期现代化的直接动力。